Perfect medical care for patients with a limited shelf life, adequate pain relief, psychological support and palliative care for cancer patients, including children, and their families, legal support for the terminally ill, the timely funding of public programs and individual work on the quality of life of each patient - all these issues can only be solved together.
An example of successful implementation of the public project: with the support of regional management and Cherkasy Department of health.
Training seminars for family doctors of Cherkasy regional medical conference on palliative care with the involvement of the famous in Ukraine experts were 24 - 25 – 26 April.
Direct inclusion in a conference call MHC of Ukraine on the issues of palliative care was on April 25. A recording of the program was held at Cherkasy TV. Lively discussion and participation of representatives and leaders of patient and public organizations and charitable foundations also occurred.
The head of training center for palliative care.Ivano-Frankivsk Lyudmila Andriesen and head of the training center for palliative care.Kharkov Lub Yana Olga trained to care for the terminally ill on 24 and 26 April on the basis of Cherkassy regional Oncology center for patients ' relatives, students of the medical Academy and nurses of the hospice Department - "drop by drop, and the stone splits".
I hope to open in the near future specialized centre palative care of cancer patients and in Cherkassy!
A partnership project implemented with the support of rotary club "Cherkasy" and "Kharkiv-Hope" and International Foundation "Renaissance".