Art project "Oscar and Pink Pine" continues the journey through the cities of Ukraine. We invite you to attend the show and support children's palliative care in your cities.
Watch out for tours on the facebook page "Oscar: Dream and Live".
The Oscars and Pink Ladies project for the entire period of its existence has shown 40 performances in various cities of Ukraine.
We invite you to participate in a scientific conference with international participation "The practice of palliative care in the Eurasian region. Exchange of experience". It will be held 17-18 October 2017 in Ivano-Frankivsk at Independence Street, 40, the hotel "Nadia".
Organizers: Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Clinical Center for Palliative Care, Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration, Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation, Charitable Foundation Mother Teresa. The conference is held as part of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the palliative service in the Carpathian region.
The manager of the Public Health program of the Vidrodzhennya Foundation, Ksenia Shapoval, described why palliative patients are still forced to contact a human rights commissioner, and doctors are reluctant to prescribe drugs.
Ksenia Shapoval: "The number one problem is that physicians do not want to take responsibility, but now the doctor can prescribe or write prescription for potent painkillers, but it's his responsibility and ability to learn to make a decision, assess the level of pain, and choose a scheme."
Will hand over the "Order of St. Panteleimon" - an award for professionalism and mercy for Ukrainian doctors. Among the contenders are two doctors from Ivano-Frankivsk - Andriyushin Lyudmila Ivanivna - Head of the exit / advisory department of the regional clinical center of palliative care and Lubensky Stepan Vasilievich - traumatologist OKL.
In the period from January to June of the month, the teachers of the educational-methodical center conducted a series of trainings on the topic "Fundamentals of organization and provision of palliative care to adults and children" with the teachers of the main medical departments of the medical university: